Monday, February 9, 2015

The Gospels, and the Maverick Gospel

We anticipate enough of a break in the weather to meet on Wednesday, and hopefully we'll be able to get caught up on our course calender, as we finish our overview of the synoptic Gospels and take a look at the fourth Gospel, called by one writer the "Maverick Gospel," John.  I regret having only a day to talk about John as I worked on this Gospel for several years as it was at the heart of my doctoral dissertation, and also preached a two year series working through John at Boothbay Baptist Church.  You might enjoy reading the final sermon in that series, which was presented as a first person overview from the perspective of John. Here is the link:
Keep reading as per the class schedule, and remember that the quiz from this week will be taken from chapter 7, and chapters 10-12 in the textbook. They will be lifted directly from the practice quizzes on the text website, so if you are prepared on those you'll do fine. By the way, remember to be reading through the NT weekly, and journaling your progress by answering the questions as noted in course requirement 1 in the course syllabus. God willing, I'll see you on Wednesday!
Dr. Nash


  1. I enjoyed the sermon on John. Actually saved it to re-read and share with your permission. I am afraid I have not prepared adequately for tomorrow's quiz. I read through chapters 6-9. Will skim through 10-12 tonight and between classes tomorrow. hope the test quiz pulls me through. Thank You, David Varney

  2. David, that sermon was the conclusion of a two year series in John so I am not sure how well it would serve as a "stand alone." You may have to rework some of the content, but that is your call, feel free to use it, that is why it is online! On the quiz, yes, definitely focus in on the test quizzes on chapter 7, and chapters 10-12, our quiz will come directly from them as I said!

  3. As I was going over tomorrows quiz one o the answer to a question is that when we accept Christ our lives can change. Thats what happened to me. There is no doubt in my mind if it wasn't for Christ I believe that I would have left my wife w/out a husband because I would have been dead. All I can do it Thank Christ for letting me be saved. Thank You LORD.
