Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Corinthians and the gifts of the Spirit

One of the pervasive themes in Paul's letters is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. He is not a "force" but rather is a person, the third person in the Trinity.  One writer said that the Spirit gives believers R.I.B.S., we are Reborn of the Spirit, Indwelt by the Spirit, Baptized in the Spirit, and Sealed by the Spirit.  Paul is interested in all of these ministries of the Spirit and more.  He also writes about the gifts of the Spirit to the church (I Corinthians 12-14, Romans 12, Ephesians 4). The unity of the church is fundamental, but we are each uniquely gifted to have a part in God's mission, including the edification of other believers. Pay attention to the "one another" statements in the letters and you will see how important our ministry to each other really is. But, importantly, it is Spirit empowered ministry. The permanent presence of the Spirit in the assembled church and in individual believers sets apart this age in the history of redemption.  As you continue reading Paul's letters, notice his references to the person and work of the Spirit - and thank God for his presence and power!
Dr. Nash

1 comment:

  1. We did a study of allelon "one another" in our Spiritual Living course. And in the same class are studying the Spiritual gifts. Amazing how so much overlaps and is reinforced in various classes! David Varney
